Decorated Sign Faces Kenosha County – New and replacement sign faces – New signs of all types – Fast sign repair – 42 years experience. 

Decorated Sign Faces Kenosha County

Decorated Sign Faces in Kenosha County and Replacement Sign Faces – Our fabrication facility has provided quality decorated sign faces longer in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois than anyone in our industry. Polycarbonate sign faces, sometimes referred to by the brand name of Lexan™  is shatter proof plastic that will not break if impacted. 

Lexan signs are commonly used for larger signs, especially outdoor lighted signs as well as in “high risk” applications where breakage is more likely to occur. We recommend Lexan over any other plastic sign material. How tough is Lexan?

It’s also often referred to as bullet-proof glass.

Does your business have a need for a different outdoor lighted sign than what you are currently using? Is your company is changing? Updating your company logo? Sign face faded from damaging UV rays? Maybe your sign needs updated information?

Then call NU GLO SIGNS

A lighted sign face works for you long after the sun has set. You can use lighted sign face inserts to change the look, update your information, or customize your sign.

Regardless of the reason, one thing is likely to be true… you don’t need to replace the entire sign.

And that’s where we come in.

Here are some of the benefits of using Nu Glo Signs:
  • We have a wide variety of signs to choose from.
  • We use only the highest quality materials and workmanship.
  • Nu Glo is committed to providing 0ur customers with the best possible product.
  • We offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of their signs.
  • We have a team of experienced and qualified installers.

Decorated Sign Faces in Kenosha County – Nu Glo Sign

Decorated Sign Faces Kenosha County

Custom lighted sign faces are big revenue generators for your business. The can be above your entrance, or in a monument sign, or on a pole. And with their low maintenance and high return, it’s no secret why so many successful business use them. Additionally, when it comes time to change out your signage, you don’t have the expense of a completely new sign.

Custom replacement sign faces, simply slide in where your outdated sign face once was. A new replacement sign face will get your business noticed by new customers that may have not noticed you before. Put a custom decorated replacement sign face to work today and see the increase in exposure and business.

Channel Letter Signs in Kenosha County

Whether you’re looking to revitalize an existing sign or replace your old sign with a fresh new look, Nu Glo custom sign face replacements is your solution to a sign that is sure to impress!

Nu Glo is Southern Wisconsin’s source for replacement sign faces. We not only offer replacement sign faces in Kenosha County, but in Lake County and McHenry County as well.

Whether you are in need of a new sign, or some tender-loving repair, call the signage experts Kenosha County Wisconsin – Nu Glo Sign.

Office 847-223-6160

Cell 847-417-2342

Custom Fabrication/Installation/Repair/Maintenance

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